Journalists from estimate how many will spend 12 teams who have chosen Poland homebase, a residence during the European Championships.
33 174 euros to pay for Portugal each day spent at the resort in a luxury hotel Remes Sport & Spa in Opalenica during the European Championship in 2012. As estimated by journalists from, it is more than seven times greater than necessary to pay the current world champions and European Spaniards, who will stop at Gnevine.
The second most expensive was the Warsaw Bristol, where, apparently, to stop the Russian national team. Unless, of course, does not change his mind, Advocaat. Finally, the third place on the pedestal top spender take herself mistress of the tournament - Poland. Residence of her team at the Hyatt will cost 24 000 euros per day. Not much, but cheaper Sopot Hotel Sheraton, where there will be live Irish.
The significant difference in the rate of England and Holland, who chose Krakow hotels, Italy and the team that will live in Wieliczka near Krakow. Economical options selected Croats and Danes. Of the 13 teams that gave preference to the Polish cities and towns, not only data on the Greeks. Greece chose the town Yahranka that of Warsaw, and it is unlikely there the hotel complex will be more expensive capital.
Estimated cost of living teams:
Portugal (Opalenica) - 33 174 Euro
Russia (Warsaw) - 30 400
Poland (Warsaw) - 24 000
Ireland (Sopot) - 23 000
Germany (Gdansk) - 22 500
Czech Republic (Wroclaw) - 22 200
England (Krakow) - 19 000
Holland (Krakow) - 16 200
Italy (Wieliczka) - 10 500
Croatia (Cooking) - 8300
Denmark (Kolobrzeg) - 7700
Spain (Gnevino) - 4700
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